General Disclaimers

Cetara's typing skills suffered horribly during the creation of this and all associated Web sites. However, she had to sacrifice a few nails for the greater good and they'll grow back any day now, we hope...

Otherwise, all information included within the pages of this site is for entertainment purposes only. All sites have no affiliation with the artists, authors, teams, television shows/studios or entities involved. All copyrights and ownership are retained by the original creator(s), and any internet faux pas are entirely unintentional.

Image Disclaimers

All copyrights and ownership on photographs, whether scanned by the Designer or found elsewhere on the Internet from a collection or as an individual image, are retained by the original creator(s), and any infringement are entirely unintentional. They are also property of the entity from which they were taken. Please contact Cetara at to have any offending material removed, or for permission to use scanned images.

All wallpapers and site designs ©1999-2004 Cetara Online.

Other Acknowledgements

Thanks to the following sites for many images/ backgrounds/ what-have-yous found throughout all of Cetara Online. Each is a link back to the indicated site. If you don't find your site listed here, please send an e-mail to and I'll get you added to the list. We must give everyone the credit due for their wonderful creations!
Graphics by Pofolks4